About Madison Electric Works

Madison Electric Works is a publicly owned utility that operates as a quasi-municipal department serving nearly 2,700 customers in Madison, Anson, Starks and Norridgewock. Major business customers include Backyard Farms and manufacturing at Timber HP (the former Madison Paper site). Incorporated in 1888, MEW’s coverage area was established to enhance the manufacturing boom at the turn of the century near the river. For this reason, MEW’s service area ends near Blackwell Hill/Russell Road and Central Maine Power supplies energy to the eastern part of town.

Madison Electric is overseen by a five-member board. The board is an elected position. One member is elected each year for five-year seat.

Board of Directors

Peter Elias: (207) 696-3198
Richard Bartlett: (207) 696-3198
Richard Smith: (207) 612-8622
Craig Parker: (207) 696-8150
Chairman of the Board, Charles Worster: (207) 696-5398

Through the years...

1977New 12,470/7,200 grounded WYE; substation on Jone St. was ENERGIZ
1980Feasibility study was conducted on five hydroelectric sites by Madison Electric; Superintendent was Norman E. Sawyer
1982The Forebay wall of the canal washed out in March, leaving a gap of approximately 70' in length. It was replaced for $83,000.00.
1983The main transformer was shot and a new 5000KVA was put in. Norman E. Sawyer was superintendent. Also started upgrading the voltage in Anson from 2,400 to 7,200 volts.
1984George D. Stoutamyer became superintendent
1987Flood; Powerhouse was underwater
1989Federal Energy Regulatory Commission informed Madison Electric that we would have to license the Sandy River Hydro Facility
1990Madison Electric borrowed $180,000 to purchase new bucket and digger trucks. Began refurbishing old generator at Sandy River.
1991Removed all lines form Main Street and put up new style street lights. Ice damage took a section of the Hydro Dam.
1992Hurricane Bob caused minor damage and problems.
1993John (Jack) Prescott, who was the chairman for the past ten years, decided not to seek reelection this year. Jack was a big supporter of Madison Electric. An agreement for lower rates was made with Northeast Utilities. Madison Electric would purchase power at 3.74 cents per kilowatt. This contract was signed in August and would take effect in September. Madison Paper played an important role in making this dream come true. George D. Stoutamyer filed an application for license with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for Sandy River Hydro Facility.
1995Madison Electric lowered their rates to the lowest in the state and possible New England. Superintendent was George D. Stoutamyer. In August the Public Utilities Commission issued an order denying Madison Electric the right to serve in those parts of Madison, Anson, and Starks not presently served by Madison Electric. They appealed the decision to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in November.
1996Purchased a parcel of land on Rt. 148 to build an office building with garage.
1997Madison Electric moves to new building at the Business Park
1998George D. Stoutamyer retired in December. Phil Curtis was hired as Superintendent.
2001Calvin Ames was hired as Superintendent.
2003MEW builds storage building behind office.
2003Ronald Berry retires as Chairman of the Board after serving for 10 years. Richard Bartlet fills the empty seat on the board.
2011MEW launches new website.
2016In May, MEW signs a 25-year contract with IGS Solar to purchase power from the solar array at the Business Park that will supply the load of the town.
2017In May, long time employee Jim Cornforth retires after being with Madison for 42 yrs.
2017Reggie Clement Is promoted to Line Forman.
2017In Sept, MEW suffers a great loss when Reggie is killed in a motor cycle accident.
2017In Sept, Scott Lloyd is promoted to Line Forman.
2018In July, MEW signs a 10-year energy contract with Nextera Energy
2018In Dec MEW leases Land at Jones St Substation to Madison ESS LLC to house 5 MWA Battery storage containers.
2019In March, Calvin Ames retires after being Superintendent for MEW for 18 years.
2019In March, Jeff Melcher is hired as the new Superintendent.
2019In October, Jeff Melcher resigns his position as Superintendent.
2019In October, MEW Board promotes Marty Berry from Operations Manager to Superintendent.
2019In November, Carmen Wilkinson changes job roles from collections to billing for MEW.
2019On Christmas Day, MEW has its Main Transformer fail at 2am. CMP brings in a portable sub to restore power to MEW’s customers at 12:30pm.
2019In December, MEW in partnership with Madison BTM LLC to house 1.5 MVA battery storage in the Business Park to shave peak load and keep the energy costs down.
2020In February, MEW hires Brooke Bearor as customer service/collections clerk.
2020In May, a fire breaks out and MEW loses its 1MW diesel generator and building at Jones St. Substation.
2020On December 31, the new replacement 2.5MW Cat 3520G natural gas generator is ordered.
2021In August, the new generator arrives and is installed.
2021In October, the Cat generator goes online.